@Tyler_R, You may also need this before you drop them a msg. http://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Announcements/Information-required-before-sending-a-message/m-p/85858#U85858
As someone who was without service for a few days, I still am happy with public mobile. Believe the promo plan was well received and the burst of issues were not expected. They are coping well and all issues should be resolved fine. Been a customer f...
The Line Starts here now ... Hi @Mary_M, Can you pls look into my request. Out of Service since 3 days. Plan change issue. PM sent to you earlier and to @Shazia_K.Issue: No Service post a plan change.
@pamorin , yah. But due to the backlog of issues with this new promo, there are people without service for 7-8 days. Hopefully with the Mods working hard, we may not have to wait that long and the queue gets clear faster. In our case, it should be a...