I have initiated a porting request on 15 November close to midnight and sent a ticket on the 16th as I could not receive calls. I have received a request for information from a mod yesterday night which I fulfilled yesterday too. The porting was comp...
I am shocked to see users lecturing other users because they are complaining! A gang of apologetics defending a private business as if it were a charity! What was supposed to be a Community looks more like a sect attacking any member who does not bow...
I am not sure if the problem is the moderators, the "someone" managing distribution, a sudden rise in activations (It must have been expected)! or a low level of service. I believe that a respectable company should inform its customers about either t...
I add my voice to yours; as I have not been able to receive calls too since Tuesday! I have sent a message to Mary_M on Tuesday 11-15-2016 at 11:34 PM and she did not ever read it! I have sent another message today 11-17-2016 01:48 PM to Shazia_K and...