Interestingly I had opened up the ticket the day before Leonardo's arbitrary two week deadline, but I hadn't supplied my four digit security pin in my request so he held onto it for a day.
When I upgraded my plan to accept a promotion approximately one month ago I selected to change on my next renewal date, and the online system verified that status, and then at my renewal date the promotion didn't take effect and I still have my old ...
Make sure your postal code fully entered and not truncated to three digits, it must be the complete 6 digits within both public mobile and card issuer systems
It is likely because your address in our public mobile system does not match what is specified by your credit or debit card issuer, please pay special attention to the postal code.
I did not do this coorespondence, I was absent from Public Mobile from November 20, 2020 until February 28, 2021, please see ticket number 168xxx-xxx. HOW do we go about getting this (rectified and) refunded. I have already taken this to the police a...