I have managed to change my voicemail over but all public mobile correspondance (email, etc...) is still coming in french. Can someone tell me where I can adjust this setting? Thanks
thanks. That is already selected to english. The problem is that on my cell all the emails and texts I get from public mobile directly are coming to me in French.
I have to agree that there needs to be a better way to sort through our usage. I think a simple pdf and/or excel export would be ideal. It is extremely tedious to have to go through it page by page.
So I am going to set this up to change on my renewal from a Canada wide plane. If I add the 400 LD minutes now, will they not be used until the plan changes over on renewal or will they burn through the minutes even though I currently have Canada wid...
Yes I did consider it. I had an HTC One M8 at one point and found that I never used the speakers on that phone. It also made the phone overall larger even though the screen size is the same. If audio is your thing than the Axon 7 is definitely the wa...