I live in Newfoundland Canada. I just drive out to central. I am in a town called Norwood. I realized when I got here that I have very little signal. Is there anyway to improve my signal while I am here?
The one I am currently looking at is:https://www.amazon.ca/Waterproof-Laxcido-Real-time-Monitoring-Flashlight/dp/B07WLKQX7D/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=gps+tracker+for+kids&qid=1625441474&rnid=5690384011&sprefix=gps+tracker&sr=8-4
Thanks for that makes sense. It was the first time I had an issue since getting public mobile. Not surprised it is an issue with cell towers. Our province is not the best for those. Thanks again