Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
since ‎10-04-2019

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I couldn't find a solution in previous messages so I'm posting two questions.1.  Which countries are available with the 400min long distance Holiday gift?  (I think there is a list somewhere but couldn't find it.)2.  I assumed the US is one of them, ...
Hi allWhen I text overseas, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Local texting is fine.Examples.1.  A person texts and I can begin a texting conversation. However, after a few texts the person doesn't receive my outgoing text, but I can still...
I thought I had this resolved, but it seems to have occured again, I have a plan with voice for anywhere in Canada and text. I got the 400 min Xmas gift from public mobile.  It gives me 400 minutes of long distance internationally. However, when I di...
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