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Re: Long distance doesnt work...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It was in CA' BC in fact... Trust me, i know how to dial... grew up with a dial phone... Im old, and


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Thank you. And you are correct also. Everyone has a specific reason for their handle, and no one should be held for that, Well said.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



I hope that it worked out well for your family member in the hospital. Sometimes such visits are precipitated by a crisis, other times it can come about because an individual and/or their loved ones make a choice to seek help.


A friend who I admire greatly shared that some time earlier, she had been for mental health counseling to help her deal with very troubling issues. With sufficient psychotherapy, she resolved those matters entirely. She told me in no uncertain terms that it takes strength to seek help: it's not a sign of weakness.


As to user names, there is no such thing as poorly chosen ones. They are all chosen with intention, and whatever one calls themselves is fine, and not a trigger for anyone else.


@Defectiveai67illustrated perfectly the meaning that handle has for them. People who may be disgruntled from time to time, are not suffering from illnesses. We're fine with our handles.




Re: Long distance doesnt work...

Sadly another poorly chosen user name. Like @Defectiveai67  and @disgruntled2 @Dis_Gruntled etc etc. 


Yesterday I spent time with a family member in the Psychiatry ward in hospital. True or not it is not funny or a cute label!!! And can be offending!!!!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Thats exactly it!!! ;\


Lol....I've fallen and I can't get up! Needing to use your phone in that situation is very important even if the call is only going to the next room for help! Picking myself up off the floor is a very unflattering version of a downward you gotta laugh at yourself!


One step forward, two steps back.....if I didn't have laughter.......

Not applicable

@darlicious wrote:

so I get to continue to sit at home because a bunch of other people can't sit at home and choose to congregate unmasked and party and dance and hug because they can and don't care about others by the actions they take....but I'm still laughing at it all!

Oh man...that is hard to laugh at. The collateral damage of the idiocy and selfishness of some people. Not direct transmission but direct effect. Man.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
You may.. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I certainly respect that. I just happen to fit that description extremely well... I wouldn't call anyone else something like that...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
one of my issues is falling... and what do i do?? I don't get up and swear, but sit and laugh at myself!!! LOL

I remain....offensive. 


If one is choosing to laugh at one's self then no harm no foul.....had I known at the time where I sit (quite literally) I may have chosen @oldladyhips! As I sit disappointed that the news (that had given me so much hope)that I moved to the top of the cancellation list last week only to have all surgeries cancelled this I get to continue to sit at home because a bunch of other people can't sit at home and choose to congregate unmasked and party and dance and hug because they can and don't care about others by the actions they take....but I'm still laughing at it all!

Not applicable

 @LurganIeUk : I think that when one uses it in a self-deprecating fashion that that helps put a sense of humour on whatever ails one. I don't think it's brushing all others with the same brush.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



In my case, it is literally the truth. my brain isn't functioning correctly. My wires are getting crossed. my neurological part needs to do one thing, but it gets mixed up in the brain and sends a completely wrong signal that causes things to happen to me with no pathological reason. Also,my son is VERY Autistic, and he decided I was defective!!! So no disrespect to anyone, but it is me to a T. I have the diagnosis if you want to look it up..

Mayor / Maire


Yes I'm saying birth year for us 50 somethings....

Mayor / Maire

Sadly another poorly chosen user name. Like @Defectiveai67  and @disgruntled2 @Dis_Gruntled etc etc. 


Yesterday I spent time with a family member in the Psychiatry ward in hospital. True or not it is not funny or a cute label!!! And can be offending!!!!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Tis Her birth year, yes!! 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
as a couple of us?? lol now there's a few!!! lol

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
that we do!!!

Not applicable

@darlicious wrote:


Hmmmm....'67? Not that old. Pretty much the same age as a couple of us in this thread. Ahem.... @Anonymous ?!!

Says she with the defective hips 🙂 I ain't 67 though. That could be his birth year though. Let's just keep all that speculative shall we.


 @Defectiveai67 : The thing called long distance isn't really a thing anymore what with the prevalence of Canada-wide calling. The infrastructure is still aware of it though but not the callers.

Mayor / Maire


Hmmmm....'67? Not that old. Pretty much the same age as a couple of us in this thread. Ahem.... @Anonymous ?!!

Not applicable

 @Defectiveai67 : Many of us have been around the sun a few times more than others. We all acquire deficiencies along the way 🙂

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