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Re: Live Chat

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Handy1 I think a hybrid support level would be better in the long run. I've observed numerous misspellings in the content here, making it difficult to comprehend, and customers occasionally get lost trying to comprehend what others are saying when assistance is offered.


@XionBunny  I try my best to be clear and concise 

add I often compliment the other members  here on there writing ability lol and dang auto spell messes me up to at times 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@dust2dust I won't be doing short form posts in the future that's for sure, was trying to find a balance between long-winded and short and to the point so ill need to be slower.

@XionBunny  I’m certainly guilty , and I used to be worst believe it or not I came here to try and help with my writing skills …. High school dropout  here …. Just trying to navigate the big ole world 

Mayor / Maire

Misspellings? Or wrong or missing words that can make all the difference in meaning and intent? I do this all too often and need to edit. Indicating things nonetheless 🙂

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Handy1 I started talking time to double-check my spelling before posting, one thing I've learned is it is never good to rush a thought out post.

Mayor / Maire

@XionBunny  True good point , I’m probably the biggest culprit for bad spelling too 

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