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Re: Information

Mayor / Maire

@ShawnC13    going to write this in English.




Of course Shawn has something to say that's obviously a given. 🙄 Stop thinking you're entitled because you have a little star next to your name. When some of you Oracle's (not all some) start treating "all" regular members the same than maybe you'll get it in return.




Sorry to say Shawn. When Oracle's new or old provide incorrect information and a regular member has to correct them. I can say what I feel. It's not the first time I've had to correct this particular one (3 or 4 in last few days) and prior to them becoming an Oracle I've had to go through posts to solve the person's issue when this person always directs them to contact the moderators. Even a thread that ended up being like 8 pages with myself and OP going back n forth to get the problem solved instead of how it started by saying contact mods. It's almost always contact mods.




Maybe new Oracle's should take the time learning about the system before continuing what they did prior to being an Oracle. Should have been a PM requirement if you ask me. How's it fair that you guys can write whatever you please and still collect a free $20 when us regular members have to actually put in work to earn a higher reward? 




Maybe I'll start to game the system and just reply to every post "contact mods". Since we all know PM secret formula goes by total post count. Doesn't matter if it's one line or a nice well written detailed post. So maybe Oracle's should start mentoring many of the newbies that are doing this. Just saying!




Isn't it everyone's duty on these forums (regular and Oracle's) to try to solve the issue for the client without the need of directing them to moderators? At least that's how I was mentored by some Oracles when I first started posting. I believe you were one of them also before you changed your tune and decided you had something against me lol. 




And don't say "It's not an Oracle's Job to mentor people" it was right in the Oracle application. Haven't seen that being done by any Oracle's in several months (several several). These days you guys let many on the English forums throw one liners, incorrect information, cause tons of confusion for the OP and sit back at let it go all of the time!. Which is not right or fair to a handful of regular members (myself included) that actually go the extra step and write detailed replies and try everything under the sun to get the person's issue resolved before having to say "contact mods". As it should be.




Sorry to Say and I even told  @Melinda_H   in our private discussion (not about any new Oracle) but did mention an overhaul of current Oracle's should be evaluated before adding new ones. There's a few old Oracle's that don't deserve there entitled status for a free $20 when they are rarely on and when they are it's short and sweet for a few posts. I sometimes have a hard time remembering how their username is written if I did need to tag then in something as they're rarely on lol.




It's quite funny actually when you can see that Oracle's don't look at all regular members as the same and have whatever personal issues/ grudge or wtv.  You can write the greatest detailed response and some Oracle's will bypass a bravo on your post because it's a certain username they don't like but will like the one before and after yours that is a one liner and not helpful. Go figure lol.




And of course you have just proved my point. Like in the past the Oracle "Clique" is very quick and fast to call out members when they speak about Oracle's. If this was the English forums I'd expect a few other Oracle's to chime in. Thankfully it's the French forums maybe one other will chime in who knows.




Oracle's are held at a higher standard. Remember you are the face of PM (which in the past you tried to tell me you guys are not) but that was confirmed also in the Oracle application thread. So when the faces of PM start doing their jobs (Not all but some) to earn that free $20 and treat all members the same on these forums than maybe some of my comments will stop. Till then at least proper information should be given to people and not incorrect info. I'd expect incorrect info to be given from the multiple newbies that do it daily to get their posts up without Oracle's doing their job in mentoring them as you should be doing.




Thankfully PCGeek is back to being an Oracle now. He did more work as a retired Oracle than some of the current (before the new ones) did. I think some of the new ones have already done more merge /transfers than some old Oracle's. 




It's time for the Oracle's to be on the same page together and not all this mixed up stuff of "Look at me I have a star I can do what I want". No sorry you're all Oracle's and should be on same page doing your job that you signed up for not pick and choose.




As I have now gotten off track on this whole post. I'll end with. If any Oracle (not just this new one) keeps giving wrong answers. I will speak up about it. I shouldn't have to waste my time going back and ready threads (on the French forum no less) correcting mistakes. I should be able to see an Oracle replied and know that the issue is likely resolved and not have to look at the thread. Like when I see PCgeek post in French forum. I'm confident that he has the issue covered. I should feel that confidence with all Oracle's not a select few.  Not all your guys fault. Maybe PM should have had a training or refresh course instead of just switching someone's status and say go to it. 




Think about it as a brand new member. If a new person was thinking about joining PM and reading the forums. They see Oracle's, they read about who Oracle's are. Then they go into threads and see regular members correcting the Oracle. Does not look that great for that new potential customer. This is exactly what I tried explaining to you guys in April when some of you were after me. Face of the community and when new people see how Oracle's talk to people (more back in the past with one Oracle who is still an Oracle lol with belittling condescending posts, personal agendas, etc)..It really doesn't look good for PM nor does it look good when regular members have to go back and correct Oracle's nor does it look good (this message that I am writing) where now I have to write defending myself because another one in the Oracle clique who we all know has issues with me and sometimes throws in cheap shots months later (not this time) is yet again coming after me when they should be mentoring their new colleague.




Don't worry though Shawn. I have one more goal to achieve on these forums and I'll likely be cutting back much much less as there is really no point anymore. These forums are all a mess PM does nothing really about it ( Although Melinda who is very nice is working on it which I 💯 percent believe she will be doing) to get these forums back on track and Oracle's that just do as these please when they want and let new members make a mess of things with incorrect posts with no mentoring. It's only a given that some regular helpful members wioo want to start being on less. Until it's fixed at least!




Have a good evening Shawn!


@Jb456 I am not sure why the tag is gone I only moved the post not (EDITED TO ADD) not edit any posts.  Again I started where the conversation went English I have added my first post but it shows as the second post here and have added a translation as well.  Which was basically that yes it is fine to correct people but no need to belittle people.

Your post was brought to my attention by a member that is why I went there and read what you had said.  

Who did I defend?  How come you are allowed to "call it as you see it" as you say but if called out because it is unacceptable by me or anyone it then becomes an attack on you?  


You like to take shots at Oracles any chance you get but if I say something about it you become a defenseless sheep that I am picking on?


@Melinda_H  I will tag you incase his post gets edited to remove the tag.


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@ShawnC13  I already screenshot both French and English and out in this thread. Just move your French post would be a nice gesture from you. Everyone can automatically translate it to English anyways. Thanks!

I have tried to add that post it will appear in the second post.  I only moved from where the discussion went to English.  I will also Translate it


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Mayor / Maire



This is the issue Shawn. This thread was moved from the English forums to the French forums before lunch time. Around 1130am est. 


I corrected yet another mistake by an Oracle (as I said they have done a few over the last few days that I had to correct) so of course I had to make a comment "must be nice to get a free $20"


The Oracle in Question came back a little after 3pm EST and corrected their post.


Issue was done and everyone moved on.


Then you @ShawnC13  who RARELY COMES ON THE FRENCH FORUMS went out of your way (Entitled Oracle) at 4:18pm. Only to post back to me. To come out of your way into the French forums because JB456 posted a comment towards an Oracle. 


In are back and forth messages on this thread. You said because of a belittling post. Yet last year for months one of your Oracle's had months of belittling condescending posts to numerous regular members. Months!. Did you speak up then?? NOPE what you did is defended them.  


So who is in the wrong and who is in the right? It surely is not me. I avoid you, try to keep it civil as much as I can with you. I even at times tag you in a post if I see you're online to edit something out.


You on the other had have legit went out of your way to yet again come after me. Why do you do this?..this is not the first time it's been many multiple times. If it's not you posting a cheap shot directed to me months later. It's as if you're hunting down my posts to find something you can stick your nose in. Then when I start writing back to you pointing things out. Eventually you just say "I moved the thread private message me if you have an issue" and won't respond anymore lol.  Just mind your own biz and stop trying to attack me. I rarely start with you, but you surely like to start with me then you want things via private message. For what. Speak your mind let the forums see it. (After all now it is in the lounge).  


@ShawnC13  and also please explain to me why my tag to @Melinda_H  is no longer a tag ever since you moved these posts to the lounge?




What is going on with that?


@Melinda_H  Does this not show you what your Oracle's do on the forums? 


Surely PM has some type of guidelines for Oracle's not to continue and continue and continue to pick on certain regular members. This lounge thread and Shawns first post still in the first thread. Clearly shows he is picking on me. In the French forums no less where he rarely comes to.


How is this ok? How is this right that PM let's this stuff slide?. This has been going on since before April 2020. When your other Oracle (will13am) who is still an Oracle went months with belittling condescending cheap shot posts to 5 plus members and tried Oracle's tried to get people uninvited to a PM event in Toronto. 


Can you please look into this matter?


PS: I've taken screenshots of this thread and if your tag magically gets removed a second time. I'll just send you a private message. Thank you Melinda!.



@ShawnC13  there is an issue. Why didn't you move this thread to start with your response?? (screenshot below).


This thread no longer makes sense without your first response 🙄 that started all the additional off topic posts.


Then yet again 3rd time now on this very thread that you prove my point. As your very first post (screen shot below) was "gone off topic of the OP".  Contradiction with the Oracle Clique again I see. What a joke. 



Moved some of the thread to make it look like JB is on a ramble. Yet leave your post (which is off topic) on the original thread to make it look like oh the Oracle is doing his work and correcting a regular member. 


You really should move the below post (screenshot) to the start of this lounge thread. 


Than everything will make more sense and I'll be satisfied.






@Jb456 I have moved this post to the lounge as we have gone off-topic of the OP.  If you have an issue with me I have no problem talking about it, send me a message


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Thanks for proving my point even more 👍


Months leading up to April 2020 a member of your "Oracle Clique" was doing multiple belittling, condescending, rude & cheap shot posts to multiple regular members on a regular basis. 


Where were you then for us regular members? Oh wait you and most of the rest of the Oracle's at that time were quick to back up your teammate. Not stick up for the regular members that took a bashing, bans, etc from one of your teammates. 


And as the world turns. Shawn is right back to sticking up for Oracle's as soon as any regular member (doesn't have to be me but I'm the only one that says it how it is) makes a remark towards an Oracle. Go Figure!


Have a good evening.




@Jb456 correcting someone is the right thing to do I agree.  There is just no need for the belittling comment to go with it that is all. 

I am totally here for the new Oracles and so are the others.  They know they can reach out and know how they can get in touch with us if help is needed.  That went out as soon as the announcement was made.


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@Jb456  a écrit :

Désolé Oracle. Les informations que vous donnez sont incorrectes. Ces 20 $ gratuits chaque mois doivent être sympas lol.

@Jb456, je ne sais pas pourquoi vous aviez besoin de faire une telle remarque à un nouvel Oracle. C'est totalement déplacé et je pense que vous leur devez des excuses. Vous avez tenu à les mentionner en tant qu'Oracle au lieu de les étiqueter et d'obtenir 20 $ gratuits par mois. S'ils participent à la communauté, ce n'est évidemment pas gratuit. Je pense que vous devez terminer votre saison ouverte sur les Oracles avec vos commentaires.


Edited:  Added translation


@Jb456, I don't know why you needed to make such a remark to a new Oracle. It's totally inappropriate and I think you owe them an apology. You wanted to mention them as Oracle instead of tagging them and getting $20 free per month. If they participate in the community, it is obviously not free. I think you need to end your open season on The Oracles with your comments.


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