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Continuous Low-Cost in 2023 - Thank you!

New in Town / Nouveau en Ville

In a time of continuous price increases (the exhausted "i" word of 2022-2023...), I'm happy to see a provider stick to a low-cost, no-thrills strategy.


This is extremely refreshing, appreciated, and deserving of recognition.


Thank you!


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Agreed Korth. I spread the hood word about PM often. Asking people what they pay for their plans is shocking and frankly makes me ill. Depending on your needs, you can save $20.00 to say $50.00 per month. Wow!


And live customer support. Pfftt. Never ending loop of press 1 for, press 3 for. Then you finally get to “stay on the line” followed by “we’re experiencing a higher volume of calls”. Then as you’re waiting for 20 minutes you’re praying to get someone who is moderately competent.  


Love PM and the Community! Keep on rocking in the free world.  🤘🏼 🎸 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

This is interesting because I was unaware that Telus doesn't let customers change credit cards in their main accounts either and all this data collection is more than little disconcerting as it seems customers have less and less control of  personal information with these businesses being able to collect far too much information without real informed consent because of all the disclaimers contained in fine print of the terms of service that very few of us care to read or even understand when we do read through.  


I don't like that our governments are slow to create more thorough regulations to prevent this sort of practice either and I might not care as much if I thought this information was really secure but we know that isn't true as there are always news stories of systems being hacked and customer personal data being compromised almost daily.  I suppose we pay a price for all the conveniences that comes with new technology.

Mayor / Maire

Haha, Telus (and Telus subsidiaries) will never let customers change credit card information. They'll never relinquish a valid credit number unless they get another valid credit card to replace it. They use the credit card as an anchor point which firmly associates a pseudonymous cellular/internet identity with a real person's real physical identity. The data they collect is worth much more to the brokers and advertisers when it can be properly matched to real, known people. Your email and username can be fake, but the identity on your credit card can't be faked.


Although, yes, I do agree in principle that a customer should be able to change this information. The worst that could happen if you enter garbage numbers is that your payment won't be accepted and you'll get your service suspended when your current billing cycle ends. I suppose Telus could claim they are "protecting" your information from scammers/fraudsters or some other nonsense.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Yes the low cost for most plans is very nice but Public could improve certain aspects of their business to give customers better experience.  I notice  customers cannot change their emails themselves or even their credit card and have to ask the customer reps to do that instead.  For an online model these changes should be available to customers to do themselves.

Mayor / Maire

That's why we're all still here - saving money, collecting rewards - after pandemics and wars and inflations have ruined our economy.


I recently discovered, to my surprise, that the people I met from USA are complaining about having to pay more for their mobile plans than ever before, even more than Canadians have to pay. This is an aberrant trend since Canadians have traditionally had some of the very worst cellular prices in the world.

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