08-10-2018 12:46 AM - edited 01-04-2022 06:42 PM
Has any one else received the "recipient domain disallowed" error when trying to send a picture to someone? It only happens with one of my contacts, all of the others work properly.
08-11-2018 01:14 AM
Ya it is a work phone so it could be that I'll have to check the settings on their phone.
08-10-2018 06:32 AM
Have never seen or heard of that error .Does your contact use a business phone by any chance? Just wondering if it is a security issue on his end.
08-10-2018 01:55 AM - edited 08-10-2018 02:00 AM
They may need to go to their iphone settings and ensure mms is turned on under settings>messages as usually telus would include mms in an unlimited texting plan unless she has some kind of pay as you go that only gave so many, but not common with post paid plans. I had an android on telus so i am waiting for my PM sim card, so at least with mms , best info i can give. Androids usually uses the built in message app, not like textra app from google play store is being used or anything like whatsapp and as far as mms, usually is auto turned on on a android and gies by by the carrier plan
08-10-2018 01:50 AM
The exact situation is:
Me - Public Mobile on Android
Contact - Telus on iPhone
And I am trying to text an image or video.
08-10-2018 01:46 AM - edited 08-10-2018 01:51 AM
It all depends. Your friend may need to have mms enabled on their end. I take you're sending the message with a video or pic via sms. Otherwise if your device is an iphone and your friend's an Android user, you may need to ensure that the option to send as sms is enabled under settings>messages on your iphone esp if signed into imessage . Imessage will send as an imessage to other iphone devices , but doesn't translate so hot to an android. However it sounds like the mms may be not on as that message may be common to get if the person doesnt have mms enabled
08-10-2018 01:43 AM
Ya it's really strange. It only happens with one contact on Telus and I don't have any issues with anyone else on Telus (or other carrier).
08-10-2018 01:34 AM
I don't send much MMS but when I do it just works. I have never seen this error message before. Google searching did not show anything tangible. Must be a rare error.