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How is the Community reward calculated?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Does anyone know? Is it a total of numbers of posts and replies and bravoes received and bravoes given for all customers and then a discount if you're in the top X% or are some of the engagement actions (bravos given etc) ineligilbe for the community rewards calculation?


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@mimmoya I couldn't agree more. Their is much better ways of earning money then these forums. You should participate here because you like to help out your fellow PM community 🙂


@marsbar I think you are referring to @Martin


He has been earning community rewards for quite some time, more than a year after his passing

He was a very active member and many new members still bravo him to this day (well Jan 5th 2018 for sure)




Yes, this is all about forum support.  How do you like it so far?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@mimmo Fair enough. It is a fun community on here now and I found it really helpful a few months ago when I was trying to decide between different phones to be able to get the advice of others from on here, about what they thought about the 3 diffrent phones I was interested in buying.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@marsbar the formual is secret, but i assume bravos,and posts made, are two parts of it.  but also probably solutions awarded threads read and time spent. 


My suggestin is enjoy the community and don't participate just because of the rewards as @kav2001c once said (and others repeted) it would be faster and more financailly rewarding to colllect pop bottles and return shopping carts.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@mimmo Yeah, I think I saw something about a deceased user getting into the top 1% category due to the amount of bravoes for a post and so was confused about that and felt like asking.


I'm aslo curious as to how to rise up in the rankings because I think I only have made into the Top 50% ever so far, and wanted to know what to do to get in top 25%.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@marsbar I find rewards explanation is a little misleading when they talk about %


yes it is a secret formula,


Oracles are  given get the top reward even though the expanation implies that it is assessed yearly. if an oracle steps down they lose their top reward right away and if a new oracle is assiged the automatically get the top reward.  


also the number of awards given at the .05% 5%  25%, 50%  levels  really jive either if you calcualte the number of awards given, unless you redefine how percentages are calculated.   we had livley discussion about it a while ago,  can't seem to find the thread.  

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

The actual formula used to calculate the reward (i.e. what proportion is based on replies vs. bravos vs. solutions, etc.) is kept secret by PM, so no one really knows exactly how rewards are calculated.

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