There is no time for data just mb. Lots of stuff runs in the background that could be using data if you don't close it.You could always turn data off on your phone when not using it to make sure it's not being used up in the background.
Well GPS and reception should be the same regardless Bell, Telus, public mobile as they all use the same towers. Only Rogers would be different. But like others have said, I've had terrible customer service with all 3:)
I totally agree if you want prompt business service sign up with a higher tier and pay more. Although I have been on the phone for over an hour with Bell and Rogers and the support person was absolutely useless. I figured out more just going on line ...
If you run a business then I definitely think you would need roaming as your phone wont' ring. You can still access your voicemail from another phone if you are desparate and you could use whatsapp with wifi with anyone that knows you are away.
Yes, it is a wireless code of conduct not a law. It seems that the cell phone companies are following it but you are correct if they don't, you have to file a complaint with the CCTS. I did have to do that once before the new wireless code and they w...