As previously mentioned, I was able to purchase one immediately from a Telus kiosk. Though, if your experience mirrors mine, you will be out of service for likely three days..and may not be able to fully port over your number.
I have been given the time frame of 1 - 3 days! I am going to create another post around support making sure people are aware that they may be without services for multiple days...with no promise of correcting the issue after that.
@seagull ...any luck? Just a quick update on my experience..Things are indeed going worse. As what seems to be a Hail Mary, they've asked me to reset my network settings...which will erase all Wifi passwords, and it didn't not fix the original issu...
I'm not sure how reliable the Public support team responds to personal, but critical tickets. I've been waiting over 2 hours for a response...and I'm still on hold.Everyone, take caution when consider Public.