Thats a wicked idea. Its hard for alot of ppl to get a new phone espeeiclaly of it breaks or starts to leak randomly ans they are newer and they've paid alot already for them. If they sold them at a reasonable price od buy one too ans alot of ppl I k...
Ya I had worse a s moms is so bad cant even talk to her. She s more north another 30 mins from me. But she has to call me back every single time I call her or suddenly she's just not there. Even happens when she's out in another town west of us. Its...
My surroundings sound is hooked up thru that glass cord opt cord. So i don't think k it's using data I couldn't get it to hook to Bluetooth so it's a bonus doesn't use the net. I miss read your message. But I do t use that much data like yous do bu...
Ya I do pretty good sometimes I fall a sleep and forget to turn it off. Ut for the most part I'm streaming as I type you ans I'm on the 512 lwer data right now cuz I just ran out last week. I've been watching ytube all week n I have watched mivi3s...
Thats a really good idea and a great way to appreciate their customers. So why they stopped that I do not know. I did get a yr bonus but not much and they should do it on birthdays as well. Those are the things taht keeps customers around