I did the payment, down the app and when activation they said my phone cant use eSIM. What can I do now. I can't contact to any agent to get the refund. I call and no one answer. Please do refund. Thank you.
Thank you very much. I did send 2 messages and keep waiting. Before payment, I did check IMEI, and my phone is iphone 12 promax, but after payment, down the app, and app said my phone can't use eSIM. Is it possible to get refund? Cause I can't use th...
No I don't want to wait and order Physical sim. When I subcribed they already check IMEI and ok to process eSIM, and my phone is iphone 12 promax but now they said no eSiM for my phone. Please help me to get refund. I just want refund now.