@Rabbi wrote:@sl wrote:hi @Rabbiplease stay helping me and all coomuntyhi @Mary_M @NDesai @kav2001c @ShawnC13 @shartomjamplease dont make @Rabbi go out to helpin our coomunty we have the new pm plans with 611 help that nobody haveevry time one of our...
hi @Rabbiplease stay helping me and all coomuntyhi @Mary_M @NDesai @kav2001c @ShawnC13 @shartomjamplease dont make @Rabbi go out to helpin our coomunty we have the new pm plans with 611 help that nobody haveevry time one of our coomunty (its arround ...
@CS_Agent i will also cancle for this problom if you will not take care of it@Rabbi wrote:hi @CS_Agent @Simon_O i have about 40 frinds that i refer tham & i set up the account for tham & evry problom thay have thay call me & try to help themthis prob...
@Rabbi wrote:hi @Simon_O to you i have send a privet msg about this problom but i wont to not have to cantact you evry time for my all freinds@MarieHelene_L i have the same problom that you take care but for next time pleas take care to not hapent ag...