Hi,I can no longer send email to text via phone#@msg.tellus.com or phone@mms.mb.telus.com. Whatever I sent (from my computer), my iphone did not receive it. It has always received it before.Any idea? Thank you,JA
The usage showed me 3 incoming SMS messages (2 from 999-9999 yesterday and 1 from 2200 today which is the test message I sent some time today and just received)
I did not have cell data on then but I just tried it now with data on. No difference.MMS was on. I just turned it off now then tried again, same problem.
Thanks but not possible because yesterday I did receive (albeit only) two texts from my email, at 30 minutes apart even though I sent them one after another. BTW, where do you see 19999999999? On the two texts I received yesterday, they showed the em...