@MarieHelene_L@d16lee To be absolutely fair to the mods my service seems to have returned with minutes of securing a couple of vouchers and inputting them into the system. So bravo to them well done. I would highly recommend that avenue to anyone w...
I feel your frustration @d16lee I am currently waiting over here same as you are to try to get service back but no luck. Although unlike you I can't seem to pay again with the credit card I have because their system blocked payment from it??? So no...
I don't understand this my account hasn't been suspended but I am having the same issue and the best solution they have is to use fongo? This is pretty **bleep** terrible. I hope you get a solution soon because I am still waiting over here too.
Yes please let me know because this is my fear... I have little faith that once my credit card is unblocked by them and a payment goes through that my problems will be solved. It doesn make any sense considering my account says it is still active