Now without service for 48+ hours. No moderators avaiable on weekends?? Have been a public mobile customer for several years and have always had good service. Until now... This experience has me considering a change...
I have 2 Public Mobile Accounts. This morning I accidentally topped up the wrong account. I put $40 into an account that is being closed, it should have gone into the other account. Could that $40 top-up be transferred to the other account?
Thanks, but my issue has nothing to do with $. Need to replace my sim card. It's no longer working. Went to log into my account to put in the new sim#'s and blew the password. Tried to use the forgot my password fuction and received a notice that my ...
A conduit bender. I have no need for a conduit bender, I'm a pharmacist. One year when anyone asked what I wanted for Christmas I would respond, a conduit bender, partly because I wasn't sure what I wanted, and because I thought that it sounded funny...