I joined public mobile this past month , but I wish I waited for the flash sale for the free month. Is there anything Public Mobile can do to still credit my account for a month ? I'm on the $15/month plan with auto-pay.
I'm sorry I didn't study the frequency of how often this company's bonus promotions are put on sale like you did. Regardless you still don't have much understanding on the concepts of customer retention and price guarantee unfortunately. $15/month ce...
I bank with RBC, BMO, CIBC, Simplii, Scotia and HSBC. All of these banks have been offering this year welcome bonuses to new clients hence why I'm with so many.. (If your employer can split your payroll into fixed dollar amounts, and you can meet the...
Clearly you've never worked in customer service before or owned a business. Typically businesses will honour promotions for clients, and regarding reasonable cutoff dates to honour a promotion as a goodwill, it would be reasonable to assume anywhere ...