Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
since ‎05-07-2020

User Statistics

  • 9 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 23 Bravos Given
  • 9 Bravos Received

User Activity

I just received an email from "heats" asking me to enter a contest for an iphone.  The link took me to a page asking for payment of $1.00 to enter the contest and subscribe to Influence credit.  After 3 days I would be charged $69 for this subscripti...
I have checked the compatibility checklist for Samsung A10S but all I could find is A10.  Does anyone know if this phone may be used?Thanks
I have 1 GB of data.  I haven't used it yet as I'm always on wifi.  Every day there is a small amount of data used at a certain time, e.g., 1:44 then exactly an hour later another bit of data is used, e.g., 2:44.  It happens every day at different ti...
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