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Bonus 240GB not on my account

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I got a text saying I got a 240 GB bonus added to my account and available for 5 months. It was showing when I logged in that day. I've switched my plan since I won't need to buy data for a while. Now my new plan started yesterday with 1GB since I have 240 GB but it doesn't show anymore on my account + the 1GB on my plan is already used up... Of course it's IMPOSSIBLE to reach customer service (there is none with PM)... 



Sorry to hear about your troubles.  

FYI, if you port to another company, Public mobile will not prorate your plan.  You will lose whatever is remaining in your account. 


Mayor / Maire

According to the announcement, the bonus added will be added on March 31.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you for the information. This is literally insulting. I am cancelling my PM account today and switching to another company after +5 years with PM.

Mayor / Maire

@Antccoon  Found it, here it is

"Will I lose my special bonus data if I switch plans?The bonus data will remain active unless your account becomes inactive, you switch to a plan of lower value or to an incompatible plan."



Mayor / Maire

@Antccoon  To contact customer service use the chat bubble at the bottom right of this page, if that doesn't work send a private message to customer service  using this link 

I thought I saw somewhere that if you change your plan you lose the 240GB but there are so many posts about the loss of the rewards that I'm not sure where I saw it.  

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