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Plan Expired? What is going on?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My account has Expired? What happened to Auto Pay? Says Current Balance $8.00. Amount Due $7.00! So why has account expired????


Mayor / Maire

I don't know why customers have such a problem with the messaging and account status wording on renewal as they explain exactly what is going on in your account upon renewal if you just read the messaging. Is it preferable that there us no messaging in your account during renewal so everything looks normal without giving you an indication that your account is renewing?


  • Expired : Your 30 day plan has expired. Once renewal completes and payment has been debited from your account and finishes renewal it changes to active.
  • Suspended : Your account has finished the renewal process without a successful payment to renew your 30 DAY PLAN.  Click reactivate to be brought to the payment page to make a manual top up payment to reactivate your services and start a new 30 day plan.
  • Suspended : Lost/Stolen : Your plan is suspended via lost/stolen. Resume your service via lost/stolen. Your 30 day plan will automatically reactivate if your available funds exceed your plan amount ( in most cases)*. Otherwise make a manual payment to reactivate your services and start a new 30 day plan.

* You may have to suspend your service again via lost/stolen. Log out/in. Resume service. This will force payment and reactivate your services and start a new 30 day plan.



If your service is not active and you have no working services on your phone make a manual payment of $7 by choosing "other amount". If your service does not automatically reactivate follow the instructions to use lost/stolen to force your payment thru to automatically reactivate your service.





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.

Mayor / Maire

@JL9 wrote:

You'd think by now they could fix that so it never shows expired or suspended on the overnight of renewal, is sort of aggravating 

@JL9  - it does seem quite unnecessary/unhelpful to even post those either of these two words: "expired" or "suspended", if your account is still active and working.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Harrass the CS_Agents, it seems to be the only thing that is working for some people.


I even manually paid and my service is still suspended. Public Mobile keeps finding ways to steal from their customers.

Mayor / Maire

You'd think by now they could fix that so it never shows expired or suspended on the overnight of renewal, is sort of aggravating 

Mayor / Maire


Do you still have services? If yes, this could be your account going through the normal renewal process. The SELF SERVE account can say "expired" or "suspended" on the day of or before your plan is due to renew.

So, if this is the case, ignore these messages on your SELF SERVE account.


If you have no services, and it is past your renewal, maybe your autopay failed?

  1. Add Funds to your Plan Amount through SELF SERVE (or by calling 611 if you have a card registered)
  2. Go to “Plan and Add-Ons” TAB
  3. Select "Lost/Stolen Phone" TAB
  4. Select "Suspend Service" BUTTON
  5. Then, Select Resume/Reactivate Service
  6. Reboot your phone.

If this was an Autopay failure, I would let the Customer Support Agents (CSA) know.


Methods to contact the Customer Support Agents (CSA):

Mayor / Maire

Try making a manual payment using your on-file cc. See if that gets you going.

Mayor / Maire

Major autopay failure yesterday.

You can see many, many similar posts.

If you do not have a service one of remedies is to manually pay balance but even that in some cases does not guarantee that service will be restored.

You can always try to contact agent but have to be very patient until they respond 😞

Send a private message to the CSA - agent by clicking Here

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