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Re: Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Oh man, now we're seeing oracles having full-blown meltdowns in the comments, this is crazy to watch. This company is in shambles. Sounds like PM needs to consider shutting down the Oracle program altogether as well, especially if these people are being trusted with sensitive information. The abuse of power is getting out of hand now. 


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Wolfcore  It does seem that once one gains somebody’s attention (I don’t know if its an oracle or mod) they are then closely scrutinized and targeted. For instance, this morning @Yatti4201 posted about a cycle date of May 5 and he had until May 15 as that was 30 days notice since receiving a text on April 15 to that effect. I offered a helpful suggestion to check his payments tab in the app to see what it reflected. I mentioned I felt his May payment should be reduced for 10 days as the 30-day text notice was a commitment by PM but then again “their recent track record of honouring commitments” wasn’t so good.

Both his post and mine disappeared within minutes. I guess PM are now touchy about screwing up the transition period in May.

Moreover, I tried to DM him (to avoid cluttering up the announcement thread) and when I try to select a user, no list appears as it just shows “searching for users” which leads me to wonder if my DM capabilities have been suspended as well.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Wolfcore - Yes, sometimes Oracles get $20 (Or 20 points) now but the rest only get 1 - 15 points.

But yes, I have never gotten my post moved, other than from lounge to support.

Yes, I agree with you about your explanation and now I am now realizing what you mean.

And sometimes they can get selective and angry at one person, which is against TOS:

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

They are paid by the company, for their services. To me, that's a hire.

And yes, you are correct, they SHOULD be following their own ToS, but this isn't what's happening. They're selective about everything they do. When they believe they are in the right, they are allowed to defend themselves, but when we try, our posts get moved to the lounge. They are allowed to "spam", or post off-topic messages, but if we do, our posts get moved to the lounge.

This is what's been happening in this thread, and I've even called out the ones doing it. It's complete hypocrisy, and the power has gone to their heads in my opinion. 

When the a supposed group of non-employees are able to skirt the rules, because they have the power to do so, that's when you know it's becoming a problem. They're single-handedly controlling the narrative of this forum by picking and choosing what's allowed to be said. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Wolfcore - Oracles have known what the TOS of the community is. They are just watchtowers not hired by the jail.

If no Oracle program, then there will be an overload of spammers since PM officials cannot keep up. Also Oracles don't have free will, they still have to follow TOS or they may get their title removed or banned from community. But most of the posts that are Moved by Oracles are against Terms of Service - just like the referral code.

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