The VOIP service I use for my home phone has this feature where if a caller leaves a voicemail, you have the option of having that voicemail sent to an email address(es) as an MP3 or WAV audio file. The benefit of this is that you can now be notified and check your voicemail on any computer or smartphone anywhere in the world where you have internet access. This would alleviate any confusion on whether there are any long distance, airtime, or roaming charges that would be incurred if one where to dial in to check.
If this is not possible, then another way would be to allow us to check voicemail in an inbox-like format when we sign into the Public Mobile self serve website. Again, the voicemail there is just an audio file that can be played back on the computer or smartphone. If an app is developed for Public Mobile for the smartphone, this feature should also be available there as well.