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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Status: Brand new
I have recently experienced an issue with payment, and only after multiple emails I did understand what the issue was. I realize that there is limited staff, and therefore, it would be a good idea to offer customers themselves to volunteer in answering questions. I mean - answering questions instead of referring people to forums. Forums are great, but not all people have time to go through many pages and reading lengthy messages. They want straight answers to straight questions. Even if this question is discussed on the forum already. This will improve customer service. So, the way I see it - each customer should be asked "Would you like to be a part of our support team?" Then, create a page with multiple choices of subjects (keywords) that they are competent to answer. For example, since I already went through hardship with payment by prepaid credit cards and therefore have experience in it, I can easily answer a question like "My payment didn't go through even though I have funds". Or a question like "Is auto-payment better than voucher?" In addition, when I first became PM's customer, I did have hard time connecting my mobile data and researching for answer on this forum, spent like 2 hours on reading - I can provide a quick answer to the fellow customer who doesn't have time for this reading and who would get frustrated by it. Therefore, if I pick certain subject (keyword) on which I can provide an answer, and I'm available to answer within max. of 18-20 hours period (or more/less), system (or admin) can forward question to me, and once it's marked "resolved" I accumulate some points. Then, there can be given some small incentives, like rewards of $2 off plan, etc. This way, customer service will improve and it won't tremendously increase company's expenses. And trust me - people love helping other people and feel useful.
Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
In addition, it isn't even necessary to be so knowledgeable and know all the answers. It is enough to be able to do research, either on these forums or on Google search, etc. Not all people are capable to do that. Then, once you know the answer, you reply to those who are having hard time. For example, if my mother, 68 years old, will ask me how to set her phone for mobile data, I will not refer her to these forums. I will do research, find answer, test it, and then digest it into plain laymen terms and advise. There is type of people who are eager in mind and ambitious (like myself) and can spend hours on forums, and another type are others who just can't do this. Why losing them as customers? Instead, just ask the first type to assist the second type, rewarding those who are helping with little rewards? Later on, if email support of this kind becomes successful, it can advance even toward chat, or even telephone support. Nice customer service with minimum investment.

@rzhevskii2000 Maybe you like this idea too? Avatars for proven expertise

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
That's good, I see that the idea isn't original. I think that this project should take a slow start. Admins should select certain users, or post a new thread, offering the option of being part of the support team. Then, PM guys should not completely throw the situation into hands of those who choose to participate, but rather approve each answer, for at least first 10 answers, before trusting the person to take care of issues. I would probably volunteer to help! For a small reward, couple bucks or so 🙂
Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

LOL. @rzhevskii2000 technically.... that's what the forum is for... and the knowledgebase.... and their email support (Even if it is a wee bit slow, not that I've needed it.) The forum is, in my opinion, the fastest and easiest way to get support. If you're not willing to wait an hour or two during regular business hours, then PM most likely isn't for you. Impatience won't get you anywhere with this company. Patience is a virtue, and when you have it, they will not only help you, but appreciate you for being such a lovely customer. (Speaking from experience) 😛

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

hi i need to know i got my package saying it has unlimited local and international texting facility and when i text it is not activated so i need help here



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