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activation failed

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I was not able to complete the activation


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

 had a new agent yesterday (Wed Aug 23) in mid-afternoon who asked me some verification questions. I answered as best I could, but I have not heard anything back since then - say before 5 p.m. yesterday.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

he has done that and I have answered as I can. He started out with a shock, though - saying the email address I am logged in with is not the one associated with the account. How can I be logged in for any purpose, then? It may be on file as the email of the person who set the account up for me, just so he or she (not sure which of a couple did it, and they don't remember either!) so he/she could get the confirmation information.


@QaisR wrote:


I have a CS agent looking at this, but he has asked for account number and PIN that I don't have, because someone else set up the account for me and neither she nor I can find the info, a month later.

So third day in a row of frustration...

Hi @QaisR 

reply agent and ask them to ask you other verification questions.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Just to update as of Wed a.m. 23 Aug 2023 - I uninstalled and reinstalled the app and changed the password. I was able to log in and actually 'resume activation' - for the first time in days. But it gave me a screen that looked as if I had no account already - asking me to choose a subscription, while I have had one for several weeks, to create an account (I have one, though I don't know the number) and to Select a SIM, though there is one in the phone that works. (I don't know its number.) So ...  I did not know what to do. 

that was last night. This morning I tried to log in again (from an incognito browser) and had the same experience as the last two days: log in, resume activation, log in again, email and pwd do not match...

I have a CS agent looking at this, but he has asked for account number and PIN that I don't have, because someone else set up the account for me and neither she nor I can find the info, a month later.

So third day in a row of frustration...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I do have an agent who has sent me a couple of messages, but not for the past couple of hours. Once I get the app reinstalled, I will have more to report to him. And I see another Community member (esjliv) has given an address for a help-with-activation site... Will try that too, if need be, and will let you know.

@QaisR wrote:

I got charged though the activation is apparently incomplete - but my phone does work (most of the time).  

HI @QaisR 

you meant calls work? data work when Wifi is off?

if that is the case, I don't think you need to fight with the app, just submit ticket with agent and ask them to help with the login issue.  It might be just a login and not activation problem 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I got charged though the activation is apparently incomplete - but my phone does work (most of the time).  So I am being charged for something! But I want to change my plan and my payment method, but can't do that until activation is complete.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I signed up about the beginning of August (having just arrived in Canada in late July). I had family who had already signed up with PM a month earlier. Of them, two have had no issues, and one is having the same problem I am having.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

that appears to be the issue. I will reinstall the app. Then maybe the system will let me log in and 'resume activation' without bumping me right back out again...  Then I will set up an account to manage, then I will probably uninstall the app.

HI @QaisR  sorry, you need the app to complete the activation

reply the message to agent and tell them you got charged but stuck at the app part to complete the activation

@QaisR- I would have had very little expectation of deleting the app and the thing magically working. The app does shell out to the default browser of the phone for many of the functions. It's only finishing the sign up that needs the app. After that you don't need it.
How long ago did you sign up here?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I deleted the app and still can't log in via the website (I take it that the app just takes you to the website anyway) - same wrong message about email and pwd not matching. Will try to reinstall the app. (BTW read the reviews of the app on the Play Store page! VERY poor average, very scathing comments about it. BUT the geniuses at PM (or Telus) have decided that you can't set up their service without it.)


HI @QaisR 

you can only uninstall the app after the Subscription is completed.  So, wsa it activated?  if you have not complete the activation, you need the app to complete it

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

an agent has finally responded to the question I have been asking for a full day - what happens to my phone service if I uninstall the PM app. Answer is apparently nothing, the phone service is not affected. So I guess I will try it. Agent says it should solve the probem. Fingers crossed!  I wll report back here if it works (or not).

hi @QaisR  

i would submit a ticket with CS agent at this time for them to help up the activation

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

same thing today - log-in take me to Resume Activation, which takes me to log-in again, which takes me to 'email and password do not match' - the exact same email and password used to log in a minute earlier - no mistakes.

Agent said delete PM app and reload. But still does not say what that does to my phone in the meantime, if I have (again) difficulty loading the app. So a bit hesitant to try that. I may have to.

HI @QaisR 

But you said service is ok?

and you just joined not long? If it is , maybe ask agent if you can fresh start wtih another login another My Account with another sim card (of course they pay for that sim card) and hopefully a fresh start wroks?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

just tried the incognito browser - no better - got to Resume Activation, then back to the log-in screen, then 'email and password do not match' .... Depressing. All I have had from agents so far is try to log in from one's phone (been there, done that), clear browser cache (ditto), uninstall app and reinstall (but no answer about what that does to one's phone service in the meantime). No answer to question how I figure out if EverSafeID was properly set up.

What does 'escalate the issue' mean? Is it like 'may I speak to your supervisor'?

HI @QaisR 

ok, phone is working, good sign

ask the agent to escalate the issue if you want

but did you try to login using a browser with Incognito/Private/Secret mode?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

yes, inbound calls and messages are fine. Outbound calls did not work for a while but have resumed working.

I have a conversation going with an agent but I am not finding his suggestions helpful yet. He has a couple of questions on his desk as I write, including whether he can tell whether the EverSafeID was properly set up (or whether he can tell me how to check, except the the system working about 20% of the time.)

HI @QaisR 

can you receive inbound calls?

but since you have the problem with login, submit a ticket with CS agent here and they can confirm


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I seem to be stuck in the middle. My phone works, at least for calls, but I can't log into my Account, where I need to adjust the payment methods.

I keep being told that activation is not complete but I am unable to 'resume' it as the site says I am to do.

Is it normal to be taken back to a log-in screen when one clicks on 'Resume activation'? I presume it is not normal for the log in to fail at that stage...

HI@QaisR  are you activating or you have PM service working already, just a problem with login My Account?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks for the suggestion re Incognito log-in.

I have written to a CS agent who tells me to delete the app, but will not say what that does to my phone service. It was a PITA to install the app on my iPhone to start, so it scares me to start over.

I will ask the agent (since we have a thread going) if he can check the EverSafe ID. Sometimes my log-in works and sometimes it does not (but it never does to resume activation, in any browser.)

HI @QaisR 

always use Incognito/Private/Secret mode to access My Account to save the trouble for clearing browser cache

And since you see the message "Resume Activation", maybe the EverSafe id was not setup properly.  Please submit a ticket with CS agent here so they can assist

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

 I have the same problem. I try to log in (and half the time or more, I get a message saying email and password do not agree. But when I ignore that and try later - maybe clearing browser cache, maybe using a different browser - and they agree just fine), I get a message saying "resume activation". Clicking on that takes me back to the sign-in screen, where the email and password NEVER agree. So I am blocked from logging in, every time.

This happens with Chrome, Firefox and Edge.

I can log into Community, as we see by my being able to post this note.

I need to change the payment method. There is currently a valid credit card on the account, so there should no issue with the payment status

My phone works, most of the time, though not always.

How can I get activated so I can attend to other matters with my account, and just get on using my phone as I want to use it?

Mayor / Maire

@MM69 - if you did not pass the payment section (or enter your payment details in), back out and try another browser, or open a tab in incognito mode to try again.


If still issue, you could use this link for the: Public Mobile Online Activation Assistance

@MM69 wrote:

I was not able to complete the activation

Was there a specific error message/error code?  Before anyting else, check if your credit/debit card was charged.  If you were not charged, you can start the process over again.

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