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Data not working.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
Hi. About 2 days into my monthly plan i got a message that i am running out of data. Which doesn't make sense. I bought a add on of more data and again i ran out too quickly. On Wednesday again i bought some more and today, Sunday i got a text i am %95 done!
Something is definitely wrong. Because i have not been using the data.
I am waiting for your response. 
Thank you.

Mayor / Maire

@Rb1, are you on an iPhone?


if yes, please look for an option in Settings called WiFi Assit.  This is an option turned on by default, to assist data connection when your WiFi is poor, and use cellular data to enhance it.


this could be your problem.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Hi there,


If you are using Android, you should be able to go into Settings->Data Usage and see what app is using all that data! Once you find the app, delete it and reinstall it. If the problem continues, then that app is using malfunctioning. The other option is, when you find out which app is causing greif, go to Settings->Data Usage->(The App) and the uncheck the option that says ``Background Data`` That way, the app will only use data when you have it open.






@Rb1, what phone model is this happening on?  Can you check the data usage stats on the phone to see if it corroborate the official data meter.  

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Apps use data in the background.


You need to go into your phone options and restrict all background data or from certain apps to prevent it from happening again.


You can check what apps used up all your data.

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