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Mayor / Maire
Status: Brand new

Hi. Here's probably one of the most popular things Parents look for:

Affordable, basic plans for their kids when they're at school, for emergencies, something that is straightforward, just texting and calling, no data, and giving Parents the tools as to who their kids are allowed to call, something that gives parents some leeway, so that their kids only use the phone for contacting their parents, or what their parents/legal guardians would approve, that way, avoiding things that happen. So, for example, Parents who pick PM for their kids, they can set up accounts where they can text, just no photo texting, an option where parents can choose which numbers their kids can call, and what numbers they do not want them to call, something that gives parents piece of mind, so kids know that phones aren't toys or things that you can use and do things that can have legal ramifications. This would probably be the first of its kind

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