Mayor / Maire
since ‎08-21-2019

User Statistics

  • 24,132 Posts
  • 1,210 Solutions
  • 33,141 Bravos Given
  • 27,142 Bravos Received

User Activity

Congratulations on passing the 4000 solutions milestone @softech ! On Valentines Day no less! Showing what a big soft heart you have handing out 3000 solutions just a few days shy of the day you hit 1000 solutions last year. Your clipping along so fa...
Assuming the thread has been moved for privacy......? Here was my next response..... @hairbag1 I have had this issue.  Where you can reactivate your account download the invoice and log out. I've logged back in to see the account still suspended and ...
@J_PM What in the heck has happened to the quality of Public Mobile's customer support? This is not to say public mobile does not still have good customer support agents but in the past 11 days of dealing with various agents on a variety of issues fo...
I am perplexed by my recent customer support request(s) to have the "more is merrier" holiday gifts added to 4 separate accounts that I manage. I had sent out a heads up text to them explaining the procedure to recieve them. After running in to one o...
Public Mobile has announced the the November Top Contributors and handed out the badges last week without fanfare or even pinning the announcement post. They have long ago stopped naming the names instead just giving us basic stats for the month: Cou...
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