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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
Status: Idea completed

Hi Public Mobile,

It would be nice if we took a page out of Wind's book and offer throtled data speeds at lower prices. I would love to have more data but the 4 gb bucket is out of my budget, I wouldn't mind if my data was throtled after 1 gb instead of cutting off. For a plan with 1 gb you guys are unbeatable but if you wanted more data the bargain is not as great.





Mayor / Maire

That is an Excellent Idea


PM should also perhaps have a 3-Tier Data system, The Throttle, The Data set up as is now, and premium Data Plans too

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
I like it.
Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Not sure if Telus would approve of it, but I really like this model. I don't need 4G LTE, all I need are 2G speeds to get by with my day.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
I agree as well that the savings are barely competitive at the higher tiers. For a company that, I imagine has very little overhead, some greater savings would feel more appropriate.
Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
In fact, with the seasonal promos from fido, koodo, and others, public needs a different angle then just prepaid.
Status changed to: Idea completed
Public Mobile
Public Mobile

We now offer 3G data speeds at lower prices than our LTE offers.

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