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updated my credit card and now I don't see the auto payment option

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I got a new credit card and forgot to update my account. Today I got an SMS about it and updated my details, but now I'm not seeing the auto renew option with the $2.00 discount. Will this update next month? I've been a member since 2020.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@Chalupa_Batman wrote:

Hey @slugbug 

This website is known for cache issues. If you go to your cache settings in your browser, clear them and restart your browser then try to log in. You should see it then.

I wonder... I wander... Why I never experience this 'caching issue'? Why my session always work as expected? Why I never have log in issues? Is my browser special?

Do people blindly accept whatever developers at microshift and rottenapple and glugle drop on them or try to make an effort to understand how things work and adjust software to really work as it is supposed to?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks guys, looks like I'm good to go.

Check this:


if it toggled off just turn switch it on and autopay will be enabled.

Mayor / Maire

Hey @slugbug 

This website is known for cache issues. If you go to your cache settings in your browser, clear them and restart your browser then try to log in. You should see it then.

You can also confirm the change with a CS Agent if need be. Here's a contact link.

Their reply will be in the top right corner of the page.

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