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signup without a phone

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi, A friend wants to signup and buy a phone from public - can he do this or would he have to buy a sim card first for his current phone to sign up?


Mayor / Maire


Your friend would definitely need a Sim card to activate, choose a plan and pay. They could wait until they bought a phone and received it and the Sim card or buy a Sim card first at a corporate koodo or telus store. If they want to get the $30 bill credit they need to use the same email address to order the phone as the email used to activate the account/Sim card.

Mayor / Maire

When your friend buys a phone from PM...a sim is included. When they receive the phone and sim...then they can activate and start their account. EZPZ

Mayor / Maire

You don't need a phone to sign up. Just the sim. Buying a phone and sim from here is not signing up for anything.

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