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my reward of loyalty and refer friends rewards?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

from my account and bill info seems I can not find my month loyalty and $3  monthly refer 3 friends and 2$ auto pay reward. can any one help me to check ?



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The ones that don't visit here often are getting a big surprise on their renewals.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

The new rewards has started so no more auto pay and loyalty rewards.

You get 10 points once a year and 5% back in points moving forward. As well as any referrals points that you will earn when your subscription renews.

You now have to cash in for $15 off your bill, it does not happen automatically anymore.

Mayor / Maire

@Hmnhkq  Yes because everyone’s being moved to the new point program this month  . Means no more $2 auto pay instead you get 5% back on plan spend . Also instead of loyalty rewards every 30 days you will now only get 10 points once a year on your anniversary date . Going forwards you will pay your bill in full and then earn the points . Any friend referrals will keep same value 1point for each friend every 30 days . Once you have 15 points you can redeem $15 off your bill from the rewards portal . This will in effect cost you extra $60 a year if you were maxed out on loyalty rewards on the old system 

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