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Will a 5G Plan Work on iPhone Xs Which Supports Only Up to LTE?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have an iPhone Xs which supports up to LTE. If I upgrade my current 4G Public Mobile plan to a 5G plan, will my iPhone still work without need to change anything else? I understand I won't get 5G speed. What I'm after is the extra data.


@BKNS27 wrote:

There are no advantage upgrading to 5G plan since your phone goes up to LTE/4G.

The above isn't the case.  LTE is capable of providing speeds much faster than 100Mbps.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I will be getting an advantage... more data 😀



Your phone will still work on the 5G plans even though it is not 5G compatible.  Your phone will use the LTE network instead. 

Mayor / Maire


There are no advantage upgrading to 5G plan since your phone goes up to LTE/4G.

Anyway, your phone will work on the 5G plan because 5G is the maximum speed if your phone is 5G.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Mondocanuck - You will get 250mbps speed on your XR as LTE can get up to 500mbps.

LTE Phones will mostly achieve at if not more than 250mbps.

Also make sure to change on renewal.

And if you are after $34 plan with 50GB you will receive the 240GB if you are on Legacy $$$ rewards, not Public Points (As far as I know).

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