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US roaming

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

How long exactly is the 10 day roaming add-on?  

Is is 10 calendar days including the day of purchase  OR  10 24 hour periods?

It is now 7:25 pm on April 22nd.  If I purchase now,  when does my 10 days expire?


@LukeV- The bundle is 250mb. There are individual 250, 500 and 1gb available as well.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Sorry to piggy back onto the original question.  What is the data limit for that 10 days of roaming ?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

10days including the purchasing date.

When I travel to US (pre-covid)...I'd load $$ into Available Funds enough to cover cost of add-on. Then when I reach first US city or town with free wifi... (Walmart, MacDonalds etc)..I'd buy the 10 Day US Roaming add-on that I wanted. Good to go for 240 hours.

Mayor / Maire

240 hours, so don't activate it until you start your trip or as close to it as possible

Mayor / Maire

It should expire on May 2nd, 7:24pm

Mayor / Maire

So try to keep the hour of day in mind so that you know that 240 hours later it will expire. Come back and ask us about some options if you need to go longer.

Mayor / Maire

240 hours from the time you actually buy the add-on.

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