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Transferred my old number to public mobile

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi. I bought my public mobile sim at Walmart yesterday and the guy activated my sim. I changed phone number online at home because i was not able to bring my account number at walmart. After 6 hours i tried using my old number on the new public mobile simcard, i can call and text but my number cant be texted and called by another person. 


How can i fix this?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes. I’m a virgin mobile user and i tranferred it to public mobile. I entered my virgin account number also because it’s a requirement to tranfer. 


Thank you, i was having difficulty searching where to private message them. 

Mayor / Maire

@ellinegYou mean that you moved your phone number from another company?

Was your old number still active?

Try your old SIM card, if it still recieves calls and texts then the number hasn't been moved yet, wait until it stops working then switch it for the Public Mobile SIM and it should work. If your odl SIM doesn't work then it's probably a stuck port and you will have to contact the moderators, you can send them a private message here:

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