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The $40/15 Gb/4G Plan That I Was Trying To Change To Disappeared!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

That was available yesterday - How can I activate it now?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you Yummy - Your feedback has been appreciated!

A number of fellows stepped in immediately to reply to my question, and I had to accept the first one.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you kindly for your answer - Much appreciated!

A number of fellows stepped in immediately to reply to my question, and I had to accept the first one.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you kindly for your feedback - Much appreciated!

A number of fellows stepped in immediately to reply to my question, and I had to accept the first one.

Mayor / Maire

Just checked - plan is still here.

You have to log in and initiate plan change. Then 15GB plan will appear on your list. It does Not appear on a list of regular PM accounts. Go and try it...

Mayor / Maire

@abstergio   Just checked, still available.  Use incognito/private mode to login and select the 4G tab and then use the arrow to the right side of plans to scroll to the second $40/15GB plan as there are two same priced plans.


@abstergio   The plan is still there.


Use Incognito Mode to login (or use another browser) .  When you are at My Account, change plan, make sure you click 4G plan and the $40 plan will be the 2nd one there (it lists both OLD $40 plan and the new one, the new one is the 2nd one)

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