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Switching from 30 to 90

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I got the 30 day plan to try out 3G, if I decide I like it and want to change to the 90 cycle, will I loose the promotion that I'm on?


I know that I can reserve a promotion in the middle of a cycle, but what if the promotion ends and I only want to increase the length of the plan?


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@cricketfan wrote:

You won't  be able to switch from a 30 day promotion to a same 90 day promotion of you didn't future date it or if it isn't available when you want to switch. 



I'll just have to make up my mind before the promotion ends then. It is the 2+2/$47/3G, looks like I just missed the same deal for 4G though. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

You won't  be able to switch from a 30 day promotion to a same 90 day promotion of you didn't future date it or if it isn't available when you want to switch. 


@Mr-Bump, it sounds like you have nothing to lose.  You are getting a 30 day plan to try.  That says it all.  What promo do you have that you can retain?  To do so means, the 30 day plan is the deal plan that you don't want to lose.  But it is only a trial plan option.  So, there is nothing to lose/retain.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

If you haven't future-dated a plan change to a promo, and that promo is no longer offered, then you can only change to a plan that is currently offered.  Also, if you are on any promo plan, any changes you make to your plan will result in losing that promo plan.  In other words, you can't change the term length of any promo plan like you are trying to do, unless the exact promo plan you want is still available in PM's plan selector.

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