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Sim Card Not Working Properly - Need help!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello, community

I hope everyone doing well. I bought a new PM sim card on Amazon and created/registered to a PM account but when I reached the 6-digit code confirmation the sim wouldn't send any code. I can see the carrier name Public Mobile and the signal bar. I tried calling my new sim card from a working phone but the message I received was a "1uc2" / "1b1" error (The client you are trying to reach is not available at this moment please try again later...) and the call failed. Messaging also not working I tried to send a message but is not delivered. 

Also, I tried to reset the network setting of my Samsung (S24) and it's still the same. Any help is appreciated. 



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Nvm! it's working fine, just needed the SIM card to process for a day or two, I can text and call.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yes, I did do it in the PM app,  I will try the link thank you! 

Mayor / Maire

Hello @JOSH30  did you activate through the Public mobile app? 

If not able to activate,  you can use the chatbot to submit a ticket.

If you cannot get through,  use the next link below.  Wait times might be longer than normal 2 hours. I have a feeling that there might be a load of volume.  So expect a reply late tomorrow or possibly the day after that.

Need Help? Let's chat.