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SIM card return . . . Not!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi y’all. I guess this is more of a comment, as opposed to a question. My husband’s cell plan is with the big (monopoly) company and almost decided to go with Public Mobile, just like his smart wife! We went to a kiosk in the mall the day before yesterday and purchased a PM SIM card and were abruptly told my the unhelpful KD rep; “We only sell them. Nothing else!”

My husband decided to go with another company (I don’t remember why) and less than 48 hours after purchasing the SIM card, returned to the kiosk. He was ‘pleasantly’ surprised to see the same ‘helpful’ employee working today! 

“We don’t take returns,” said this wonderfully trained, sour puss. “We don’t know what you did to it.”

It’s a ten dollar experience that we will never repeat. My land, what ever happened to customer service or simply kindness? Other than open the little sticker to the SIM card packet, we didn’t take the card out or even touch it. What could we have done to it? Put a hex on it? 

Maybe I am just a naive boomer. I hope everyone else is having a good day! 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I may be old, but I’m not an Ol’ Karen!

Great suggestion and explanation. I will just wish the person behind me at the KD kiosk has a better experience than I. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I'd recommend calling the location you Purchased the SIM Card from before 1PM, 90% chance a Manager will be there and willing to kindly help you. You'll also be able to make a complaint about the regular sales staff and how they treated you. 

The sales staff make commission, so they don't get anything for helping Public clients, even questions can be an annoyance for them when they could make commission helping the person behind you. 😕 kind of a shame.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks for the speedy reply! I’m not sure we will bother attempting to return it. I do understand that Public Mobile can offer the good deals because it is self-serve, which is okay by me as I like saving money.  I was more lamenting the kiosk service, or lack there of. I understand this employee couldn’t help with any PM questions but I wonder if we had been there to look at her KD service, would she be a little bit nicer? Maybe not. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Public is 100% self serve so employees of Telus, Koodo, and Mobile Klinic are not authorized to help New Activations with Public Mobile anymore, however It can be done yourself online, which is very very easy. 

I completely understand your frustration, one time I sent a Referral to Telus to get a SIM once and they sold him a Koodo one instead of Public.. considering he didn't know what he was getting he bought it and had the same issue with returning it. 

We resorted to waiting till morning, calling back and explaining the situation to a Manager, as long as the SIM isn't activated they took it back and issued a refund/replacement for what we actually wanted.

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