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Rewards vs. Points

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Looking at savings, is it more profitable to keep using Public Mobile Rewards or should I switch to Points?



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

update I got them


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

The New point reward give less than half the reward I had with the legacy system...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks for letting us know! I have been waiting 10 days and have not seen my referral points go through yet. 

Mayor / Maire


At one point, they used to apply them to users accounts within the first five or six days and then it was somewhere between day 7 and 10, and now it seems it's between day 15 and 20.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@hairbag1 wrote:

@HALIMACS wrote:

On that note @hairbag1  … don’t you think it’s time Public Mobile increases the community rewards?

I mean the average plan value five years ago was probably $25 whereas now it’s probably about $40 so the rewards for community participation should be increased by about 50% from their current values.


I concur...BUT...I notice the Rewards are getting later every month now..wonder if they're gonna phase them out altogether.   🤔

@hairbag1  Later in what sense?

@HALIMACS wrote:

On that note @hairbag1  … don’t you think it’s time Public Mobile increases the community rewards?

I mean the average plan value five years ago was probably $25 whereas now it’s probably about $40 so the rewards for community participation should be increased by about 50% from their current values.


I concur...BUT...I notice the Rewards are getting later every month now..wonder if they're gonna phase them out altogether.   🤔

On that note @hairbag1  … don’t you think it’s time Public Mobile increases the community rewards?

I mean the average plan value five years ago was probably $25 whereas now it’s probably about $40 so the rewards for community participation should be increased by about 50% from their current values.



to be sure..the "Monthly rewards ranging from $1 to $20 for your efforts..."...the $20 level is only applicable to the honourable PM Oracles. The Community Reward for us minions range from $1 to $15.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hi @bagel,

I recently out together a chart to compare the legacy rewards system to the new point system. In my opinion, there are more gains to be had with the legacy rewards... but don't take my word for it! Check out the chart below 🙂 



Mayor / Maire

HI @bagel 

don't switch.  The old system is much much better and earn you more rewards than the new one. 



A quick answer to your question, don't look, don't think and just stay on the legacy rewards system  



Quick advise for anyone who consider changing:  If you are gone, you are gone.  That is a point of NO RETURN!!

in summary  

  1.  $2 Autopay is no longer there and replaced with 5% ,  you get less UNLESS you have the $40 plan or above
    (but you get 5% for your other Add-on purchases as well)
  2. No more loyalty rewards, meaning the loyalty discount of $1/month up to $5/month will be gone. Instead, they will only give $10 each year on the anniversary.
    1st to 12th month:     Legacy system will give $0 that year, versus $10 at the end of the 12th month with thew new system
    13th to 24th month:  Legacy system will give $12 that year ($1/cycle), versus $10 at the end of the 24th month with the new system
    25th to 36th month:  Legacy will give $24 that year ($2/cycle), versus $10 at the end of the 36th month with the new system
     61st and beyond: Legacy will give $60/year ($5/cycle) versus $10/year on the anniversary day under the new system 

  3. You can no longer apply $1 or $2 you got to the bill right a way, you have to collect enough to 15 points to cash out $15 in one shot
    Also, you have to remember to convert your points to dollars once it reaches 15 points.  PM no longer automatic apply the reward discount.

On the other hand, the goodies for new system,
           - 5% Points back for add-on purchases as well
           - add-ons are around 33% cheaper when you redeem with Public Points
           - you can use 1 point for lucky draw, so, technically you bet $1 and can win an iPhone 
              (Unfortunately, this goodie on the new system is gone as of mid-2023)

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