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Rewards system

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Could someone explain the difference between the old reward system and the one we have


edtied by computergeek541:  removed category labels that don't apply to this conversation


Mayor / Maire


It comes down to no more monthly credit off your bill and you will loss the $2 credit if you are on n AutoPay.

You will need to collect up to 15 points to get a $15 credit off your monthly bill based on 5% of your monthly bill in points.

It will take you longer to get credits off your monthly bill.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

In addition to the above...

New activations haven't had access to the old rewards for more than two years, and in less than a month it's all over. So, IMHO, this whole comparison is a completely mute point now.


Considering that the person just signed up I might have been feeding a troll, but so be it.

Mayor / Maire
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