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Referral program

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

hi,  I forgot to enter the referral code when I activated my sin card.  Is there anyway I go to enter the referral code?



@mingfang it'll most likely be in your account in 24h, but it can take up to 72h

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

yes, I was told I will get $10

I would think one key to success would be when you activated. In the last few days or maybe 1 week then give it a try. Much longer ago than that maybe not. 



Mayor / Maire

@mingfang wrote:

hi,  I forgot to enter the referral code when I activated my sin card.  Is there anyway I go to enter the referral code?


@mingfang let us know if you get your $10 credit after getting in touch with a moderator.  Welcome to PM and the Community 👋🏻

Mayor / Maire

@mingfang wrote:

hi,  I forgot to enter the referral code when I activated my sin card.  Is there anyway I go to enter the referral code?


@mingfang  If you have already activated your card without using a referral code you can still submit a ticket to PM and ask them nicely to apply the code and get the $10 credit added to your account.


To submit a ticket to the Public Mobile please start a conversation with the Public's virtual assistant, SIMON by clicking this link.


    1. Enter Mod at the Ask me anything prompt and hit return
    2. Select Account-specific question
    3. Select No, I want a human
    4. Select the Click me! link


In your message explain that you did not enter the referral code during activation and if it would be possible to add to your account.


The message will be received by Public Mobile and they will respond to it. You will receive a response in your private message inbox.


Please note that account verification may be required when contacting the Public Mobile Moderator Team.


If you are still having problems contacting Public Mobile then click here.


The link sends you to the private message function and adds the moderator team as recipient for a private message. You just have to enter a title and text in the body of the message describing the problem and post.


Again Welcome to Public Mobile! 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin



Mayor / Maire

@mingfang Contact the Moderator by clicking the ? bottom right of browser. Open a ticket, explain you forgot to use referral code and they will apply it for you. Welcome to PM.

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