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Port issues

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi there!

I tried porting out my number from Chatr but didn't realize that my account was already suspended.  I activated on Public and tried porting my number but I am unable to receive calls.  I can make calls and my data works.  I thought everything was going according to plan so I prematurely threw out my old sim card!  What do I need to do now to finish porting out my old number from Chatr?



@Raddo   Only number from Active account can be ported 


In your case, because Chatr line is not active, there is nothing PM can do.  It is something you need to sort it out with Chatr first


So, very likely you have to go back to Chatr to reactivate for an extra month (downgrade to the cheapest $15 plan first).  Once Chtra line is active,  call PM porting support team to re-trigger the process.  I will message you the porting team  phone number.  Check your Community inbox


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