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No service Wasaga Beach, ON

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi, is there a network outage? Live in Wasaga Beach, ON and powered both phones up this morning to find that they are not connecting to PM network in my area.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I know there is a lot of benefit of getting your lines on to PM but I prefer to carry two carriers atleast just for this situation.

May be a landline or pay as go plan for other than telus family.


Just an idea.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I rebooted the phones a few times with no effect, and I have auto network switch. All good now though, seems both phones connected to network a few minutes ago. Thx for the help, have a great weekend guys. 


Wasaga Beach! Geez that brings back some teenage lifeguard memories.....and the worst sunburn I had in my entire life! I've stayed out of sun ever since then!


Hang in there....hopefully they will the network up and running soon. Try switching to the 3G network to see if it's just the 4G LTE network having issues.

Not applicable


do Rebooting your phone ,This is quick and simple,to refreshing your network,

*what is mean for Rebooting the phone means to turn off your phone and turn it back on again.

Mayor / Maire

Mayor / Maire

@julian627 wrote:

Hi, is there a network outage? Live in Wasaga Beach, ON and powered both phones up this morning to find that they are not connecting to PM network in my area.

Looks like there have been reports of localized network outage in your area. Nothing major, it sounds like.

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