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New texts showing up

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

We are pleased with the incredible savings on our phone bill.since we started using Public Mobile at the end of January 2020.  I do find it somewhat inconvenient that since the change to Public Mobile, new texts don't always show up on my phone in the order in which they are received; sometimes I have to scroll down or check my contacts to retrieve them.   Is there a way to correct that?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I hear you!  I like to conserve data, too!  Thank you for your reply.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you, I'll try that!

Mayor / Maire

@HappyGramma10, I hate leaving my data on as I want to conserve my data and sometimes, I do run apps in the background. So, I have it turned off. There are moments where family and friends would send me a photo or video via text (say 1 pm), but, I haven't turned on my data to download the full message.


So, what happens is, I see the message, and wait (yep, am kinda lazy), so I wait a bit, and the timestamps changes to (2 pm) if I open my data on, and comes down at 2 pm. Yes, it does kinda screw up the chronological order of text messages if in a story or whatever. am okay with that. But, to prevent that, data needs to be on the time for me...and like I said, am trying to conserve my data

@HappyGramma10  As @Dunkman suggested turn airplane mode on. Wait 5 min. Turn it off. Use this technique whenever phone calls or text messaging are acting up. It reconnects you to the network with a stronger connection alleviating most issues.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for both your suggestions.  I'll see if that works.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for your thoughts.  Oddly this didn't happen until we switched to Public Mobile.  I'll keep your suggestion in mind.


Might want to leave your data on all the time to see whether that corrects the problem.  Maybe some of the delayed texts were MMS texts?


Or you could try network reset.  Toggle airplane mode on, then off.  

Mayor / Maire

@HappyGramma10  unlike my old flip phone, I found that on my first smartphone texts were not stored chronologically. Instead they are automatically sent to an open previous conversation with the same contact. It didn't matter if there were 20 other conversations above that one. The only way to stop this. Is to clear/  delete all of your open conversations. Or do as I do and keep the ones you care about  and delete the others.

@HappyGramma10 wrote:

We are pleased with the incredible savings on our phone bill.since we started using Public Mobile at the end of January 2020.  I do find it somewhat inconvenient that since the change to Public Mobile, new texts don't always show up on my phone in the order in which they are received; sometimes I have to scroll down or check my contacts to retrieve them.   Is there a way to correct that?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for replying.  My phone is a Galaxy S5 Neo, Model Number SM-G903W.  No, I don't think I've had the same problem with MMS. I don't have the data turned on all the time - only when I want to use it to check the internet or receive an MMS message.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for the idea.



I have never had that problem


Which phone model?  SMS messages or MMS messages also have this problem?  Do you have data turned on?


@HappyGramma10 Try the sim in any other compatible phone. If you don't see any issue with a different phone, then you will know that your Samsung S5 is the cause. You might want to try factory reset to see if issue resolves (be sure to back up your data). If you get the same results with a different phone, then its probably the network connectivity issue.

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