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New points system

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Your new rewards program is an insult to all your loyal customers.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I got charged the full price without deductions as before. I have been paying $19.21, now I paid $28.25. I think I need to start to shop around and walk away from PM. The rewards program is cheating. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Agree. I just checked my points since my just plan renewed. 

I lost $10 a month in rewards and will now be getting 4.7 points per month. So I will get $15 in points every 3.2 months or the equivalent of $4.70 per month. Less than half the value of previous rewards program (in my specific case).

Mayor / Maire

sorry @JeanLanglois22 we all going throughtbis even we don't like it.  Pretty much like we don't like  out pimp price keeps going up but what can we do.   PM will finalize the migration soon and we will be all earning points 

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