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My Account, Payment

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

How are you supposed to change credit cards for payment if the auto fill form keeps reversing and jumbling up the numbers??? What a ridiculous situation.  Wasted 45 minutes trying every which way.  Makes it seem smarter to buy from a more competent company!


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Manual entry was the only option, so that's what I used.  Fast, slow, with spaces, without... Over and over.  It would take the numbers then jumble them.   Finally I quit and did it the next day on a laptop.

[ ....... Luddite]

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

The company is fine and very competent.  I changed credit cards yesterday with no problems.

@grumpynotechie wrote:

How are you supposed to change credit cards for payment if the auto fill form keeps reversing and jumbling up the numbers??? What a ridiculous situation.  Wasted 45 minutes trying every which way.  Makes it seem smarter to buy from a more competent company!

Have you tried turning autofill off and manually entering the number in?  There's a posibility that the this could be a browser issue.  

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